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work on puppies

Biosensor or Senso puppy


As regards our wonderful Rhodesian Ridgebacks, it must be said that they tend to be naturally unruly, they don't particularly like to be manipulated, so, with my trainer and my first Rhodesian Ridgeback Aslan, we worked a lot on this aspect, given his very high indocility combined with a low temper made him unmanageable. With Nadira it was simpler because I started manipulating her already as a puppy, and because her temperament was decidedly higher, so, starting to breed, I thought that perhaps I could, in addition to selecting the right characters to reproduce, already get used to puppies to be manipulated from an early age to attenuate this characteristic. I then started to find out about the various early manipulation programs and I stumbled upon the Bio Sensor or Senso Puppy.

After reading various studies on the subject, I decided to try this program on all my puppies. It is a neonatal sensory stimulation program based on the assumption that minimal forms of stress suffered in the first period of life in the form of thermal, tactile and of movement are able to stimulate the endocrine system, the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland.

Studies carried out by various American researchers have highlighted that subjects subjected to light stress were, as adults, more resistant to the cold and to some diseases (infectious diseases, tumors); they also matured faster and performed better in troubleshooting tests.

In summary, they were sturdier and smarter.

The US military has therefore developed, in its breeding program, a series of "exercises" that must begin on the third day of life and end around the sixteenth day.

I must say that in having them subsequently evaluated by my trainer (Loredana Matticari), around two months of age, I noticed that they were puppies with good docility, at least they were not totally unruly as Aslan and Nadira were, then obviously it was care of the owner continue to handle the puppy once home, continuing to work on this aspect that many do not give importance to, but which in my opinion significantly improves the lifestyle of dogs and owners.


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